José Luis López Ortiz
"It is impossible to shoot a good movie, or capture a great photograph, without showing what is behind a look".

"Treat each film project as a new
expressive challenge"
All my fiction film projects delve into the narrative of the literary script and the dramatization of actions, dialogues and staging, through the use of a particularly careful and differentiating cinematographic and photographic language.

Documentary film
“The reality behind each character, through a moving treatment”
The script: life itself. The reason: what moves us. In our documentaries we become archaeologists of the different realities that surround our society. In search of a feeling, a word, a gesture that surprises and shows us something of truth.
“Show the essence of a brand, a product or a profession: What makes us unique and different”
In an audiovisual society, in which the proliferation of messages has fostered excessive noise and confusion, standing out and being memorable has ceased to be an option and has become a necessity.
Our productions go the extra mile, reaching the soul of the audience: your clients. Regardless of its duration or the channel used, whether they are Social Networks or More Media. A good audiovisual is one that captivates you and leaves a mark forever.

Seguimiento de eventos
“Captar el ADN de la marca o un acontecimiento memorable implica indagar en lo intangible”
Resumir y comunicar momentos especiales de tu empresa la hace memorable para tus empleados, clientes y proveedores.
Hacer el seguimiento audiovisual de un evento requiere de una cuidada planificación y escucha activa. Cada evento es único e irrepetible. Captar la esencia desde el principio, mostrando los entresijos y anécdotas durante su desarrollo, es un ejercicio apasionante que, bien tratado, aporta a la marca un plus de notoriedad.
To enjoy the ride, in good company

The message and the palette
What color is pain or joy?
Cinema for a better world! The binomial "cinema and emotions" gives us the possibility of using cinematographic language to educate, denounce, improve...
Personally and in the pedagogical field, I am driven by the social objectives that give life to my films:
The messages that I convey to the viewer, relying on an experimental aesthetic based on the color palette of French Impressionism and German Expressionism.

Get to know me more
My character, my personality, attitude, genetic inheritance, education and instinct have a lot to do with the way I observe and understand the world.
"Art is a necessity… Cinema is a means to express myself "

The goal that moves me...
A cause, a purpose, a new challenge. Facing each new project means answering thousands of questions until I manage to externalize what lives in my mind.