You don't play with plastic!


Tomás lives alone, only accompanied by his two friends Ronie and Rocco, two goldfish with whom he shares a fish tank without knowing it.

Data sheet
Director: José Luis López
Producer: Alejandro López
Art director:Esteve Gimeno
Director of photography: José Luis López
Screenwriter: José Luis López
Production: Punto y Aparte Films
Make-up: Zulema Parraga
Category: Fantastic, Fiction
Genre: Fantasy, Thriller, Catastrophic
Theme: Environmental, Ecological
Cast: Blas Caballero
Music: Ines Miras
It is no secret to anyone that plastic, the industry's preferred material for the last century, it has become a big problem for the environment.
A recent investigation “Plastic and Health. The Hidden Cost of a Plastic Planet” alerts us to the great impact plastic has on our health throughout its entire life cycle.
These circumstances and reflection on the problem are the starting point. A commission from the City Council of Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona). A city especially concerned about environmental health her environment and determined to become a leading agent of change in trend.